Monday, February 8, 2010


" Holy crap! You could eat a tomato through a tennis racket!!!" --Dave Clark

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!" --Laura Smart

"Looking at this is making my eyes water." --Jessica Marks

Well, now you can kind of see how messed up my underbite is by these reactions to my cephalometric x-rays by my co-workers if you haven't seen the pictures from my last post. (I'm still not entirely sure what the hell Dave is trying to say, but I think I'll get it eventually.) Laura's reaction was most telling. The fact that she could make the word "wow" last for nearly 5 seconds upon seeing it drives home just how freakishly abnormal this is.

There's still a few things I wish I could find out. First, how are underbites measured? Then, I could see if mine has progressed since I was 17 when I had it measured the first time. Also, what do the insurance companies consider as being severe enough to cover the financial portion for this surgery? I think this is beyond cosmetics and it's the one thing that's still bugging the crap out of me. If anything, I think it would be better to cover this thing regardless of the severity just for the psychological well-being of their customers.

Tomorrow, I have my appointment with Dr. Archer to get the referral to Dr. Levin. I'm glad that I have the x-rays with me. I'm sure it will save time explaining the whole situation with Dr. Archer. Until then, it's the waiting and the unanswered questions to deal with.

Next update is tomorrow afternoon.

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